Publish Gallery First
Here's the steps to Publishing your gallery:
(1) From your dashboard, go to the gallery you want to Publish. You will notice in the top right-hand corner a box that says either Hidden or Published. If it says Hidden, that means the gallery won't be visible.
(2) Simply click the Hidden button to Publish your gallery. The button should now turn green and your gallery will be viewable.
Begin Sharing Your Gallery
(1) Inside your gallery Dashboard you will want to select the button in the top-right corner that says Share (this button is located beside the Hidden/Publish button and the Preview button).
(2) Once inside the Share page, you will see a direct link to the gallery at the top of the page. You can copy and paste this to Facebook, Instagram, etc.
(3) You can also share your gallery by using the Share By Email option. Simply add the email of the client you wish to send to, customize the message and viola! your gallery will be on its way.